Please be a aware that, due to health and safety and risk of theft, the front gates unfortunately have to be kept closed. Please ring and wait a moment beside the gate and the caretaker on duty will open the door for you.
Potters Bar Community Music School (PBCMS) is based at Mount Grace school on Saturday mornings, 8:30 to 11:30 in term time. We give termly concerts in the main Hall of the school which are open to the public.
PBCMS staff are local, experienced teachers and performers who are fully qualified and DBS checked. Instrumental staff were typically trained at the top British conservertoires (such as The Royal College of Music, Royal Academy of Music, etc.) and perform with professional orchestras and choirs. Our senior staff have taught pupils right from their first lessons, past grade 8 right up to entering Music College or University.
Registered Charity Number 1184464

Registered Charity Number 1184464
Web Design by Eireni Moutoussi