What instrument?

We at the PBCMS recommend that your child learns about the different instruments by watching concerts and listening to music. A great start is Prokofiev’s “Peter and the Wolf”, a musical story introducing children to the instruments of the orchestra; turn the page for a performance by PBCMS staff, children and friends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN54xTyz91E
Bowed strings

All bowed strings lessons offered: our teachers are available to teach children from the very start aged 6+, up to grade 8.
We discourage buying instruments without our advice. Please email admin@pbcms.org.uk for cost and availability of lesson times. All lessons will be between 8.45 and 11.45 on Saturdays.
Our violin teacher Kayla Nicol is a graduate of Owen’s School and The Guildhall. Our Cello teacher is Haris Khodabux, who graduated Mount Grace and completed his music degree in Cardiff and France. Our Double bass teacher is Tom Mahoney.

Brass Instruments

Our brass tutors are Michael Veazey and Jordan Wilson. Please email admin@pbcms.org.uk for cost and availability of lesson times. All lessons will be between 8.45 and 11.45 on Saturdays.

Theory Lessons

Theory Lessons are held between 8:45am to 11:45am in half hour slots. This is subject to a waiting list. Pupils have individual half hour lessons and take grade 5 ABRSM exam when they are ready.

Wind Instruments

We have spaces available for woodwind lessons: Clarinet, saxophone and flute are currently offered. Please contact admin@pbcms.org.uk with your interest. Please email admin@pbcms.org.uk for cost and availability of lesson times. All lessons will be between 8.45 and 11.45 on Saturdays.


Our piano teachers are Haris Khodabux, Michael. Veazey, Jordan Wilson and Emily Chapman. Please email admin@pbcms.org.uk for cost and availability of lesson times. All lessons will be between 8.45 and 11.45 on Saturdays.


Our singing tutors are Emily Chapman and Jordan Wilson. We also believe it is important for all musicians to sing. Meinir Wyn Thomas includes choral singing for all members of the orchestras as part of our normal rehearsals. Please email admin@pbcms.org.uk for cost and availability of lesson times. All individual lessons will be between 8.45 and 11.45 on Saturdays.

Joining groups

Groups and Orchestras require a complementary set of skills to instrumental graded exams, but these skills will hugely improve your child’s musicanship. We will teach your child to watch the conductor, to blend, to sight read and to play together. Children learn from each other so the social side will help them to maintain interest as they get older. When your child is ready we will let you know and move them up to the next level.

Individual Lessons T&Cs
Currently, all individual lessons are being held at Mount Grace on Saturday mornings.
Typically, there are 30 sessions (Saturdays) each academic year – 10 per term.
- Lessons cost £42 per hour.
- Parents will be invoiced termly. Payment should be made within the first half term.
- Any children in receipt of free school meals or are in receipt of the pupil premium are eligible for free or discounted lessons, subject to agreement with the committee.
- In normal circumstances, half a term’s notice is required to discontinue lessons.
Gallery of individual lessons

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